DBT Therapy 

Dialectical Behavioural Therapy is a type of therapy that combines standard cognitive behaviour techniques with concepts derived from Buddhist meditative practice. DBT was developed to treat people with borderline personality disorder and indeed, is the first therapy that has been demonstrated to be effective for treating this disorder.

The aim of DBT is to create a practical way to help those who otherwise may remain resistant to treatment. DBT is a hybrid approach consisting of elements such as cognitive behaviour therapy (with the emphasis on the here and now), dialectical thinking (emphasising the limitations of linear ideas), Zen Buddhism (with the key concept of mindfulness) and metaphorical thinking (with the goal of viewing the situations practically).

DBT accepts and works with the fact that some people, due to environment and/or biology, react abnormally to emotional stimulation. Their levels of arousal rise very quickly and peak at a higher level than the average individual, because due to their past experiences they do not have a method of coping with these intense and often sudden surges of emotions.

Is DBT Right For Me?

You can complete the DBT assessment below to help you decide if DBT Therapy is right for you or call us for a free informal chat to discuss.
DBT Therapy Screening

1. Are you currently, or do you have a history of self‐harming behaviours?


2. Are you currently, or have you been suicidal?


3. Do you have difficulty with managing your emotions (anger, anxiety, shame, etc.)?


4. Do people frequently misunderstand you?


5. Have you been told that your thoughts are distorted or inaccurate?


6. Are you an alcoholic or abuse drugs?


7. Do you struggle to manage impulsive or compulsive behaviours?


8. Have you ever been physically, sexually, emotionally or psychologically abused as a child or been neglected?


9. Are you, or have you been in frequent crisis or trouble with the authorities?


10. Have you tried other therapy interventions, only to find they didn't actually "work" or treat your problem?


11. Have people disagreed or been confused about your mental health or behavioural diagnosis?


12. Do you feel capable and competent some of the time, but then you have to act or pretend in other situations, because you don't know how to handle other situations?


13. Do people call you "manipulative", say you're "too emotional", think you're "paranoid", get angry when you act "needy" or notice that you're acting "unusual"?


14. If you've answered yes to any of these questions above, which problem/s would you say is causing you the most distress and likely to get worse if left untreated:

Problem: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

If you've answered 'yes' to any of the questions above, then DBT therapy may be the right therapy intervention for you. If none of the questions above describe your problem/s, please send us a message in the 'Contact Us' section with a description of your problem/s and we will contact you as soon as possible. Note: This form is completely anonymous.

DBT emphasises the following Five Functions of Treatment:

Function 1

Enhanced Capabilities 

Core Mindfulness

Interpersonal Effectiveness

Emotion Modulation

Distress Tolerance

Core Mindfulness

is a set of skills that help you focus your attention and live your life in the present, rather than being distracted by worries  about the past or the future. The mindfulness module may be repeated between modules and sessions may often start with a short mindfulness exercise.

Interpersonal Effectivenes

teaches you how to ask for things and say no to other people, while maintaining your self-respect and important relationships.

Emotion Modulation

is a set of skills you can use to understand, be more aware and have more control over your emotions.

Distress Tolerance

teaches you how you can deal with crises in a more effective way, without having to resort to harmful behaviours such as self-harm.

Function 2

General Capabilities

The second function is generalising treatment gains into the client's life and natural environment. This is acheived through homeworok assignments and learning to improve upon skills practiced.

Function 3

Improving, motivation and reducing client's dysfunctional behaviours

Each week the therapist will ask the client to complete a self monitoring form called a 'diary card', on which they track various treatment targets such as self harm, suicide attempts, emotional misery. 

Function 4

Enhancing and maintaining Therapist capabilities and motivation

The Therapist needs to maintain their motivation and skill to treat client with BPD. BPD clients can be stimulating but challenging too. Therapist will undertake regular clinical supervion and good support.

Function 5

Structuring The Environment

In DBT, the Therapist is the primary Therapist and incharge of the treatment team. Structuring the environment also involve helping the client to find ways to modify their environemnt.

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) / Emotional Unstable Personality Disorder  (EUPD)

Borderline Personality Disorder / Emotional Unstable Personality Disorder is a serious disorder with many consequences for those who suffer from it. People with BPD/EUPD suffer from wide range of volatility. Such volatility and instability occur in their emotions, inter-personal relationships, self-view and in the ability to regulate their behavaviors.

How we will work

Individual Therapy

We offer 12, 6 and 4 individual therapy treatment plans which typically involves weekly one-to-one sessions. Each treatment session lasts 50 minutes. The individual sessions have a hierarchy of goals:

• To help keep you safe – by reducing suicidal and self-harming behaviours.

• To reduce behaviours that interfere with therapy – by addressing any issues that might come in the way of you getting treatment.

• To help you reach your goals and improve your quality of life – by addressing anything that interferes with this, such as other mental health problems like depression or hearing voices, or problems in your personal life such as employment or relationship problems.

• To help you learn new skills to replace unhelpful behaviours and help you achieve your goals.

Group Therapy

In these sessions your DBT therapists will teach you skills in a group setting. There are usually two therapists in a group and the sessions typically occur every week for either 6 or 12 weeks depending on which plan you choose. The room is sometimes arranged like a classroom where your Therapist (skills trainers) will be sat at the front. The aim of these sessions is to teach you skills that you apply to your day-to-day life.

In these group sessions you may be asked to do group exercises and use role-play to help you learn the new skills. You are also given homework each week to help you practise these skills in your day-to-day life. By completing the homework weekly, you might find that these skills gradually become second nature and you become better at dealing with difficult situations.


What Our Clients Say

We Are Here To Listen And Help You Find Your Way.

We offer face to face and Virtual Therapy and Coaching via Zoom, Microsoft teams & Telephone.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for an informal chat and then You can decide which of the services we provide will help you to make some positive changes in your life:-
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